봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon

Indian Restaurant
#창원봄베이 #청원인도요리봄베이 #bombay #창원맛집 #인도요리봄베이 #bombayindianrestaurantchangwon #bombayrestaurant #changwonbombay #bombaychangwon #봄베이식당 #봄베이창원

봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon contact


address: 창원시 성산구 용지로74 전원종합상가3층, Changwon

봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon opening hours

  • Monday 11:30 - 22:30
  • Tuesday 11:30 - 22:30
  • Wednesday 11:30 - 22:30
  • Thursday 11:30 - 22:30
  • Friday 11:30 - 22:30
  • Saturday 11:30 - 22:30
  • Sunday 11:30 - 22:30

봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon ratings

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봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon information



봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon facebook posts

Unlimited Naan from Monday to Friday

To all our Naan Bread lovers, enjoy UNLIMITED freshly cooked naan from Monday to Friday in our Bombay Restaurant. Book your reservations to dine at Bombay.
Call us : 055-263-4111

For takeaways receive 2 FREE Naan when ordering...

봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon, 2020.05.18.

Take a Seat, Grab a Treat

#카레 #봄베이브로이
Book your reservation: 055-263-4111
#창원먹북 #창원먹북 #인도음식 #봄베이 #봄베이인도요리전문점 #창원맛집 #창원 ##창원마산맛집 #창원여행 #창원친구들 #창원인도요리 #창원마산 #부산맛집 #진해맛집 #탄두리치킨 #탄두리 #카래 #bombayindianrestaurant #tripadvisors #bestindianfood #bestcousinever #celebration...

봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon, 2020.05.07.

Book your special reservation with your family & friends @Bombay Indian Restaurant
Book your reservation: 055-263-4111
♥️ #인도음식점 #창원먹북 #창원먹북 #인도움식 #봄베이 #봄베이인도요리전문점 #창원맛집 #창원 ##창원마산맛집 #창원여행 #창원친구들 #창원인도요리 #창원마산 #부산맛집 #진해맛집 #탄두리치킨 #탄두리 #카래 #yogiyo #배달의민족

봄베이 인도요리전문점 Bombay Restaurant, Changwon, 2020.04.04.


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