헬로인디아알와하 인도아랍할랄 요리 Helloindiaalwaha Indian Arabic Halal restaurant

Indian Restaurant
HelloIndiaAlwaha is Indian, Lebanese and Arabic restaurant. 헬로인디아알와하는 인도, 레바논, 아랍전문 음식점입니다~♡

헬로인디아알와하 인도아랍할랄 요리 Helloindiaalwaha Indian Arabic Halal restaurant contact


address: It is on the 2nd floor of the Nonghyup bank opposite from the Sharky's in Haeundae beach 부산시 해운대구 중동 1383-12 2층, Busan, South Korea 612011

헬로인디아알와하 인도아랍할랄 요리 Helloindiaalwaha Indian Arabic Halal restaurant ratings

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헬로인디아알와하 인도아랍할랄 요리 Helloindiaalwaha Indian Arabic Halal restaurant facebook posts

Our last night in BUSAN~ Enjoying a huge meal at an indian restaurant, taking lota of pictures with randome people, and going back to our weird bar. Goodbye ...

헬로인디아알와하 인도아랍할랄 요리 Helloindiaalwaha Indian Arabic Halal restaurant, 2018.12.06.


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