ON돌 - 온돌

Bossam/Jokbal Restaurant
돌판고기구이●돌판된장전골 전문점 온돌. . [본점]서울시 마포구 서교동 399-23 tel.(02)322-8712 . [샤로수길점]서울시 관악구 봉천로534 (봉천동1612-52) 1층 tel.(02)873-8712

ON돌 - 온돌 contact


address: 마포구 서교동 399-23, Seoul, South Korea 04047

ON돌 - 온돌 opening hours

  • Monday 10:30 - 23:00
  • Tuesday 10:30 - 23:00
  • Wednesday 10:30 - 23:00
  • Thursday 10:30 - 23:00
  • Friday 10:30 - 00:00
  • Saturday 10:30 - 23:00 open
  • Sunday 10:30 - 23:00

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ON돌 - 온돌 information


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