Southside Parlor

American Restaurant Cocktail Bar
Craft Cocktails & Southern Provisions

Southside Parlor contact


address: Yongsan-gu, Itaewon-dong, 527 번지 4 층, Seoul, Korea 04345


On the street

public transport:

1. Take a left out of Noksapyeong St. exit 1. Cross the overpass and take a left. Walk straight until you see Taco Chili Chili. We are in that building on the 4th floor.2. Walk straight out of Noksapyeong St. exit 2 til you see an underpass. Cross the underpass and take a right. Walk straight until you see Taco Chili Chili. We are in the same building on the 4th floor.사우사이드 팔러 찾아 오시는 길:1.) 녹사평 1번 출구로 나와 왼쪽 길을 건너세요. 육교를 건너고 왼쪽 아랫길로 직진하다 보이는 Taco Chili Chili (노랑 간판) 의 건물 4층입니다.2.) 녹사평 2번 출구로 나와 직진. 지하도로 내려가서 건너고 오른쪽 계단을 올라가세요. 직진하다 보이는Taco Chili Chili 의 건물 4층입니다. 뿔이 긴 소가 그려진 주황색 깃발을 찾아오세요.

Southside Parlor opening hours

  • Monday close
  • Tuesday 18:00 - 00:00
  • Wednesday 18:00 - 00:00
  • Thursday 18:00 - 00:00
  • Friday 18:00 - 02:00
  • Saturday 18:00 - 02:00
  • Sunday 18:00 - 00:00

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Southside Parlor information

payment method:

American Express logójaAmerican Express
Discover logójaDiscover
Mastercard logójaMastercard
Visa logójaVisa


Home delivery
For groups
Wandering guests can come



price category:

$$ mid price

Southside Parlor facebook posts

Come celebrate #childrensday with a #trivianight WIN‼️ New host @alitothemax and host @dani.compton have a doozy loaded up for y’all

Southside Parlor, 2020.05.03.

You wanna feel crazy, rich and somewhat Asian? Then you definitely gotta try our Crazy Rich Asians cocktail by @polina_lee featuring amazing spirit @samyangchoon Chungju as well some of nicest Junmai Sakes. One sip of this cocktail and you will feel fabulously glamorous


Southside Parlor, 2020.05.02.

?????? ℕ???? ℕ????⁣
We’ve got ???? ???? ????? tonight for ₩10,000‼️ Perfect day to chill on the rooftop w/ some pasta and wine during holidays Don’t miss the ????? ???? ₩5,000 drinks from 6-9pm!⁣

금요일은 #파스타 스페셜데이⁣
비프 라구 파스타를 10,000원에 즐기실 수 있어요⁣
연휴에 루프탑에서 파스타와 와인...

Southside Parlor, 2020.05.01.


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